Q: What costs increase do you expect for my boat after the marina management is privatized?

A: Based on a similar marina privatization of Blackpoint marina, your proposed rate will increase at least 49%.

Q: Is it possible to stop the privatization plans for the marina?

A: Yes, but we must act now. At this time, the best effort to stop this marina privatization is by emailing your City of Miami Commissioners. Do so here.

Q: Why does the City of Miami want to privatize Marine Stadium Marina?

A: Not all City of Miami leadership is behind privatization of Marine Stadium Marina. The privatization effort is being lead by a handful of non-elected staff that came from the private sector who have incentives to privatize City resources originally designed for affordable use by City residents. These non-elected staff have profit-maximization in mind, over the benefits of affordable public water access to residents. They may also have relationships with private entities that create conflicts of interest.